Monday, January 25, 2010

OK. I am a slacker....

So my plan was to take pictures weekly and post.
I am now in my fourth week and my plan is kaput! I decided to just
post some pictures from the past.

This was taken when Little Fling was 13 weeks old. We were at a NAVHDA
training day. Bob Kramer showed her the pheasant and she went nuts!
He then set up a pheasant track for her. She followed the track and
chased the bird down and brought it back. She was so tiny she could only
pick it up by the wing or neck.

What a face!

Here is Bailey (5/19/96 - 10/5/09)at the field trial grounds in her usual spot.
Well, her spot when no one was eating. Then her spot
became next to who ever would feed her.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Day in the Field

This past Saturday we spent the day in the field with
our friends Liz, Paul, Kimber, Stacy and Tony.
Oh. And their great dogs.

Blaze pointing his last bird of the day.

The boy LOVES to retrieve!

Looking for some critter.

I have always said he walked on water...

This is Little Fling working a pigeon with Paul.
Paul is an awesome guy to put up with us!
This is Puppy Envy with Paul. Envy belongs
to my good friends Jeff and Stacy Moss.
She has only been on birds twice and she
is doing VERY well!
Fling's first time on a chain pictured with Uncle Walter.
As you can tell, she did not appreciate
it at all. Her main problem is that
she does not want to sit back and watch the other
dogs work. She wants to be the one working.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Pile O Pups

Just returned from Oak Ridge Kennel Club's agility trial. We don't often get the chance to run FAST but this trial offered it. Blaze got his first Open FAST leg and a third place. He also got his eighth MXJ leg with a second place. Little Fling got to run in the match last night. She did a good job but was startled by the ring crew sitting near the weaves. I just took her on so she would not stress too much.

This was taken at the hotel this morning. I wonder if they would have preferred to stay in the bed? Nah!!!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Getting Some Air

This picture was taken of Blaze a few years ago. By looking at this picture, it is hard to believe he was not feeling good. He had a pretty bad reaction to some antibiotics and had run a fever for several days.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year

Well, it's the New Year so I have decided to start a blog. It's about time, huh?

We spent yesterday doing agility with friends Wanda and June and their bird dogs. I had no pictures of Little Fling doing agility so Aunt Wanda took a few.